Author Robert John DeLuca crafts his extensive life experiences into fascinating fictional tales and intriguing non-fiction. His thrilling Nelson Family Saga series recounts the escapades of an eminently successful, but blindly arrogant Texas entrepreneur who has it all and loses it all, including his adoring family. The Marshall Morris Is At It Again novels feature an affable youngster who blunders from one predicament to another. There are plenty of smiles and perhaps a tear or two along the way. His list also includes a gripping personal memoir of the 60s, Vietnam, and fallen USMC comrades. You'll also discover books with unique analysis of NFL head coaches.
Upon graduation from Brown University, he entered the US Marine Corps serving as a captain in Vietnam. After the service, he became a national account banking officer, home builder and real estate developer, eventually founding his own firm. Along the way, he earned an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh. This extensive business experience, and raising four sons and ten grandchildren, provide fertile resources for his writing endeavors.
HIs business career over, Bob is now having fun. No longer restricted by his former commercial environment, he is enjoying life as an author, where he is limited only by his creativity and passion.
He lives in Texas with his wife, and Floyd, the mellow-yellow Lab, who never leaves his side except to eat 20 times a day.
Be sure to scroll all the way down where you'll find special deals offered by Floyd.
Author Robert John DeLuca crafts his extensive life experiences into fascinating fictional tales and intriguing non-fiction. His thrilling Nelson Family Saga series recounts the escapades of an eminently successful, but blindly arrogant Texas entrepreneur who has it all and loses it all, including his adoring family. The Marshall Morris Is At It Again novels feature an affable youngster who blunders from one...
After his father is gunned down in a Mexican gunfight and their company craters, Mathew Nelson, is struggling mightily. Desperate for work, Matt is hired to supervise apartment construction for a city-county housing partnership headed by Dwight Lamar, a master manipulator who...
Marshall Morris is spending the last few days of summer at home in Justice, Texas, before going off to college. The affable young man who seems compelled to take a twisted and amusing path wherever he goes finds love in Mallory, a diminutive African-American cheerleader. Unfortunately, after he befriends a crusty group of old vets bent on saving...
Few periods in US history can compare to the incredible 1960’s when a society changed almost overnight. The moon landing, the Beatles, Vietnam, Martin Luther King, feminism, the Great Society, free love, miniskirts, civil unrest, Cuban missiles, Fidel Castro, MLK assassinated, JFK assassinated, RFK assassinated, Elvis, Woodstock, Cassius Clay,...
My master and best friend, Robert John DeLuca, has opened a new author website. The address is It replaces We will leave the old one in place...
For a limited time, as an incentive to join my mailing list on my new website, you will receive a free copy of an excerpt from the PACT WITH THE DEVIL, my first novel in the Nelson Family Saga series